As I anticipate the flurry of activity of family arriving over the next few days to celebrate Christmas, I enjoy this quiet moment with my cup of tea and the tree lights sparkling softly. My heart is full of joy and gratefulness as I reflect on the event that happened over 2,000 years ago that brings us together as a family in celebration. The birth of my savior, Jesus Christ. A birth that changed the world and changed my life.
I reflect on the young woman Mary who receives a message, from an angel that totally changes her life as well. She is young, engaged to Joseph and looking forward to the next season of her life as a married young woman, planning, envisioning, thinking how it will be to leave her mother and father and become wife to Joseph, to have their own home and perhaps a family someday. She is going about her normal routines of life and has a supernatural encounter with an angel who speaks to her words she can never forget.....she will carry in her womb, the Son of God, the Savior of all mankind! How does a young woman-child from Nazareth wrap her mind around that? Mary, at first frightened by the appearance of the angel, nonetheless, quickly shows her heart of faith. She hears the angel tell her not to fear and then he explains God's plan to use her to bring the Messiah, the promised one to this earth to save. Amazingly, and with far fewer questions than I would have asked, says "So be it unto me, just as you have said"! She, possessing the faith of a child, embraces the message, setting her heart to do God's will! Something that occurs to me here is how well God KNEW Mary, had heard her prayers, and recognized in her the kind of faith and character that He was looking for in the young woman who would become the one to bear and mother His only son. God does know us and know what we are capable of! He knows that some of the things He asks of us will stretch us farther in our faith than we have ever been stretched before. He knows who to ask to do His will because He knows who will depend upon Him for the strength and perseverance to see it through. He knew these things about Mary, and I think that was part of the encouragement and comfort she carried to sustain her through the pregnancy. She, Mary, was asked by God to bring His son into this world. She was humbled I am sure to realize how intimately God really knew her and trusted her character and faith to ask such a thing of her! Each day of her pregnancy must have been a jolting reminder of the day the angel visited and of the wondrous miracle that she was chosen to be a part of! What thoughts must have run through her mind as she felt God incarnate kicking in her womb as she went about her daily chores. How to wrap the mind and emotions around such a thing? How did she hold her tongue and proceed in humility when others taunted and condemned her for her "sin" when in actuality she was bearing the one who would come to forgive them of their own sins? How amazing that Mary at such a young age could entrust her emotions to her Lord, especially while pregnant! And can you imagine the trip to Bethlehem to register for the census with Joseph in the last days of your pregnancy when the way was rugged and you would be traveling upon a donkey? Knowing the risk of giving birth before returning to Nazareth had to be on Mary's mind, yet she forged ahead by faith that God would surely protect His son. How much Mary's faith must have had to be as much reality in her life as the rising of the sun was each morning! She had to choose to live by faith and not by sight, something Christians today are constantly challenged to attain to. Yes, Mary's life was radically changed that day by call of God on her life!
My life has also been radically changed by the call of God on my life when I was a teenage girl of sixteen. However, I was not a young woman of faith, I was a young woman of fear and emotional woundedness and even depression. I did not really know God or understand that He had a plan for my life. I had huge questions about life and why I was even here. I did not feel I belonged. I did not feel I was capable or worth much. I did not feel anyone was proud of me or thought I would amount to anything. But God changed all that, in of all places a little town in Germany called Baumholder where my Dad who was in the Army was sent when I was sixteen. I started attending church there for the first time ever on a regular basis in my life and when I heard the gospel and understood that God not only knew me and loved me, but had a plan for my life. I literally became a new person, changed by faith in God! I left Germany alone at l7 and moved to Ohio to start college and I was able to do this full of confidence in a God who I knew would somehow help me to begin my "new life" in Him and continue to teach me and show me how to become the person He had made me to be. He was my protector, my provider, my parent, my brother, my friend during those years of transition into young adulthood. I look back in amazement at how He took such good care of me and how He even called me on further from Ohio to come to Chicago to go to Moody Bible Institute to train for ministry!
The Love of God is so powerful, it can transform us and help us through the transitions and callings upon our life. As we look at the story of Christmas and see Mary, surrendered to God's call and will, may we know that is the safest place for us to always be! May you be in the center of His will for you this Christmas and into this new year.
This is a place for women to come in and find nurturing, mentoring, an encouraging word, a poem, inspiration, a place of quiet reflection in a world of hurry.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Merry Christmas from our house to yours!
Since I was a little girl, I have always had a special love for Christmas. Even before I really knew the true meaning of Christmas, I was so drawn to this season because of all the sparkling lights and decorations that captured my heart and all the "good will" that seemed to appear for the weeks surrounding Christmas, and of course the sharing of wonderful foods and gifts being given to family and friends. It seems like I've always had a deep heart's desire to celebrate life and hope especially at this season of the year. My home reflects my love of this season. I try to make it warm and inviting and full of light and color and sharing and giving. I love having friends and family over for a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate as we share our dreams, hopes and prayers for our families near the Christmas tree. I want my home to be an oasis of hope and love for all who enter. I seek to be an ambassador of the gospel of peace all through the year ahead.
We have gone through many rough times in this great country in our relatively short history by the grace of God. We face another such time now with record unemployment, many more homeless than ever before, and much frustration and uncertainty about our economy. Americans this Christmas may yearn even more for peace within our own borders as we tire of the political machinations and corruption of some of our elected officials who seem more bent on maintaining their positions and material perks rather than maintaining a climate where men and women can work and provide a decent living for their families. All around us we have friends and family who are struggling to provide the basics that we all took for granted just a few short years ago. We all have family and friends struggling with life issues that are causing broken relationships and hearts. Many are also discouraged and depressed from a lack of hope for the future.
Even with all that said, I have tremendous hope during this season of love and grace, because I know that God has said, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land."( II Chronicles 7:14 ) I believe the church in America is being called to step up and out and lead the way to real healing and hope in America and we are responding! We must humble ourselves by not aligning ourselves with unbelief or belief in "systems" of thought that leave God out of the equation. We must ask God to forgive our sin of not sharing the most glorious message of hope and love that exists, His gospel of peace, because we are afraid of being labled "intolerant" by sharing what Christ said about himself. He said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father except by me." We have allowed ourselves to be intimidated by a culture that shares some of the most indecent ideologies as"Truth" and yet, labels those who believe in Christ and His message as "haters" and "intolerant"! May God forgive us and help us to lead the way to real "CHANGE" in America. The kind that begins in the hearts and souls of men and women who have truly been blessed with the greatest gift of all: true HOPE. Not hope in ourselves, but HOPE in the God of heaven who loves us and has a proven "better way" for us to live. We are offered the most amazing gift and it is ours for the taking. It is a gift that changes hopeless to hopeful, fearful to fearless, joyless to joyful, and lost to found. It is a gift that came in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger! Hope incarnate!
I wrote this poem several years ago and it was published in an anthology of poems. It still resonates in my heart this Christmas as I think of the beauty of God's sacrificial and gracious gift to me and all mankind. It is a gift freely given, but of great cost to God, the Father. It is a Gift that I desire to see always remembered by America!
The Gift Remembered
by Teresa Jobst
The Gift of Love
was first thought of
by God the Father, the Holy One
when He sent His dear and precious Son.
A baby crying in the manger
borrowed from a kindly stranger.
This amazing, pure gift of love
from the heart of our Father above.
The Gift was costly: God's very own Son
sent to proclaim that He is the only one
who can fill the void that's deep within
the simple shepherd or the wisest man.
The Gift was given to be received.
God's desire is that we believe
in the Son whose birth was marked by a star
long ago in Bethlehem far.
The Gift grew from babe to man,
He said that to the Father anyone can
come if they but accept the One
who sacrified His life to fulfill the plan.
The Gift, the Christ, the promised one
died upon the cross, t'was done
that I might know true freedom
provided by the Father, through His Son.
We give gifts of love today to represent
the greatest gift ever sent.
May we with each gift recieved or given,
thank God for sending His best from heaven.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
As I am approaching my 33rd Anniversary tomorrow, I am reminded of Ecclesiastes 4:l2 which says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of THREE IS NOT EASILY BROKEN.
My adult children have commented to me that many of their friends and aquaintances do not have parents who are still together! Divorce seems to be the new "normal". I am so thankful I have a husband who not only loves me, but "has my back" and who prays for me every morning before he leaves for work. You see our marriage is made up of three: My husband, Me and Jesus! A cord or rope braided with only two cords will easily break or unravel, but a cord of three is not easily broken! Don't get me wrong, we have had things come against our marrige over our 33 years, but Jesus has seen us through! As we've looked to Him, we have found strength for the inevitable trials in life, marriage, and parenting three children. My husband protects me by praying for me. He supports and encourages me when I grow weary. He has worked hard to provide for our 3 children and me. He puts us before himself. He rejoices and delights when good things come our way. He has been an awesome father. He isn't easily offended and he readily forgives. He seems to have an amazing storehouse of patience and believe me, the kids and I have tested it! He makes me feel like I am the most special woman in the world. Even after 33 years, he tells me he loves me and that I am beautiful and that he is proud to have me as his wife. He is gentle and has a great sense of humor. He still likes spending time with me. He has brought healing to many of my childhood wounds over the years by his unconditional love for me. He has been all these things and more for me and the kids because of his relationship to Jesus. I have been truly blessed to have both a Heavenly Father and a husband here on earth that have loved me sacrificially. What more could I want or need?
Thank you honey for all your love and care for me. Thank you Father God, for all your love and care for me. You both make me feel like I am a precious jewel to you.
Here is a poem I wrote years ago and have shared with a couple of different young couples as they got married. It is dedicated to my bridegroom, Jesus and my husband, Matthew.
What Love Is This?
What Love is this
that makes my heart sing
that fills me to overflowing
that consumes me so totally?
What love is this
that stirs such joy in me
that whispers my destiny,
that fuels the passion in my soul?
What love is this
that can endure and readily forgives
that seeks for me abundant joy,
that never abandons nor forsakes?
What love is this?
It is God's love poured out in you
and spilling over onto me
that seeks to build a firm foundation
for our marriage, home and family.
by Teresa Jobst
Thursday, October 27, 2011
In The Garden
It amazes me that even as our world seems to be filled with so much inconsequential nonsense and hype, the power of God's creation still speaks volumes to a hurried, worried, fractured world. I recently took this picture while strolling through the Chicago Botanic Gardens (a taste of heaven on earth for me). I had come off a busy week and was taking some friends to see the fall colors and everywhere we walked was a picture that spoke louder than any sermon about God and His love, mercy, grace and comfort to us world weary travelers.
I love how just walking through a field or grove of trees or beautiful garden, immediately recalibrates my mind to focus on the truly important things of life and to feel gratitude and peace well up in my soul. God says in Romans that His creation speaks loudly of His existence. I concur. I often walk these garden paths and imagine myself in the Garden of Eden where God walked with Adam and Eve in the "cool of the day", communing with them. I have often walked through the Botanic Gardens and seen birds, chipmunks, butterflies, geese, swans, deer, and even wooly caterpillars, and every imaginable plant and flower, and felt my spirit stirred by the magnificence of almighty God. And always I remember a song my grandmother used to sing, I have a copy of it on my prayer room wall, "In the Garden". I've always loved this song and it has become a theme of sorts in my life the last l5 years or so. I feel like God has worked in me a bountiful harvest of peace and joy and that I am happy to "bloom where I have been planted" for this season of my life.
The words to this song will always speak to me of God's walking through life with me. He walked through life with my Grandma Brady and as she walked with Him she prayed for us, all her grandkids and great-grandkids, just as she had for her own eight kids! She was a gardener, a tiller of soil, a harvester. I was always amazed at the bounty that could come from her vegetable garden and nourish us so much when we sat around her table, just as her prayers nourished us. I think she learned a lot about God's nature and faithfulness by working in her garden planting seeds, pulling weeds and waiting for harvest while depending on the Good Lord for sun and rain. She, too,was one who walked with God in the garden in the cool of the evening ~ thinking and praying over the needs of her large family whom she loved so much and thanking Him for caring for us all.
I can hear her singing in her little kitchen as she's rolling biscuit dough with her apron on and her hands dusty with flour:
I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses
and the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.
And he walks with me and he talks with me and He tells me I am His own.
And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.
Now I hear her singing as she stands beside me in the little white church by her house across the creek. We would visit her in West Virginia from our nomadic lifestyle as a military family.
He speaks and the sound of His voice, is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
and the melody that He gave to me, within my heart is ringing
And he walks with me, and he talks with me and He tells me I am His own.
And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.
The Garden, a theme that has run through my life and brought me joy. The irony is I don't have a green thumb at all like my grandmother or even my mother who could grow anything! But I have been able to grow in my faith that God planted in me at l6. I found out a few years ago that my name, Teresa, means harvester! Just as my grandmother and many wonderful mentors have planted seeds in my life, I love to plant the seeds of God's word and watch them grow. I have planted seeds in the lives of students as a teacher, I have planted seeds in the lives of friends and other women that God has called me to as a mentor, and I have planted seeds in the lives of my own children in our home. I have not been a perfect gardener by any means, but I have walked with the Master Gardener and asked him to send water and sunshine on those seeds that there might be an abundant harvest to His glory. I sometimes think of my reunion in heaven with my grandma....I want to sing "In the Garden" with her
as we walk with God "in the cool of the evening".
Galatians 6:8b-9 He that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap everylasting life. Be not weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap a harvest if we faint not.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Embracing Who You Are
Often as women we do not embrace who God made us. Watch the following video and be inspired to thank God for all that He made you to be. Let it encourage you to embrace who you are and live for Him confidently.
Often, as women, we spend many years believing the lies of the enemy about who we are. Since the creation of Eve, the enemy of our souls has been determined to rob us of our special place in the heart of God. He wants to destroy our confidence and make us believe we are worthless and ugly and are "never going to be enough" for God to use us. God made woman the crown of creation, and satan has been jealous and angry about it every since and has determined to destroy us.
This story of Christopher so encouraged my heart because it reminded me that God is the one who speaks truth about who we are. God is the one who has a plan for our lives. God is the one who delights in us and finds us precious to Him. God is the one who so wanted fellowship with us that He sent His own son, Jesus to die for us.
Christopher could have believed all the lies spoken about him and had a very different outcome, but Christopher obviously had an awesome mother who embraced who Christopher was and that God gave him to her. She must have taught him that he is only as disabled as his thoughts let him be. He is amazingly well educated and capable of communicating despite his disability. After watching this I couldn't help but cry over the beauty of Christopher. He is a brother whose light shines brightly here on earth and I can only imagine the crowns that will be bestowed by our Father on him for embracing who God made him to be.
Will you and I continue to believe lies about who we are? Will we keep repeating the tapes from our past that say, "you're incompetent," "you're ugly", "you're useless", "you're too emotional", "you're
not smart enough", "you're a failure"....any of these sound familiar? We must choose to stop the lies as soon as our enemy begins to play the CD in our thoughts. Take those thoughts captive to Christ and allow Christ to show us the truth about ourselves and then embrace who we are and thank God for what He is doing in us! Who we are is not about our dress size, wardrobe, abilities, disabilities, education, title, or age. Who we are is about who God says we are. He has called us His children.
He has said that we are co-heirs with His son, Jesus. He has said that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He has said we are His jewels. He has said we are His delight.
We are able to embrace who we are because of His great love for us. His love has bestowed great value upon each of us. We are each unique and precious and irreplaceable to Him! Let us rejoice in this truth and be set free!
Thank you Christopher for showing us the love of God so magnificently that we might embrace who we are too!
Often, as women, we spend many years believing the lies of the enemy about who we are. Since the creation of Eve, the enemy of our souls has been determined to rob us of our special place in the heart of God. He wants to destroy our confidence and make us believe we are worthless and ugly and are "never going to be enough" for God to use us. God made woman the crown of creation, and satan has been jealous and angry about it every since and has determined to destroy us.
This story of Christopher so encouraged my heart because it reminded me that God is the one who speaks truth about who we are. God is the one who has a plan for our lives. God is the one who delights in us and finds us precious to Him. God is the one who so wanted fellowship with us that He sent His own son, Jesus to die for us.
Christopher could have believed all the lies spoken about him and had a very different outcome, but Christopher obviously had an awesome mother who embraced who Christopher was and that God gave him to her. She must have taught him that he is only as disabled as his thoughts let him be. He is amazingly well educated and capable of communicating despite his disability. After watching this I couldn't help but cry over the beauty of Christopher. He is a brother whose light shines brightly here on earth and I can only imagine the crowns that will be bestowed by our Father on him for embracing who God made him to be.
Will you and I continue to believe lies about who we are? Will we keep repeating the tapes from our past that say, "you're incompetent," "you're ugly", "you're useless", "you're too emotional", "you're
not smart enough", "you're a failure"....any of these sound familiar? We must choose to stop the lies as soon as our enemy begins to play the CD in our thoughts. Take those thoughts captive to Christ and allow Christ to show us the truth about ourselves and then embrace who we are and thank God for what He is doing in us! Who we are is not about our dress size, wardrobe, abilities, disabilities, education, title, or age. Who we are is about who God says we are. He has called us His children.
He has said that we are co-heirs with His son, Jesus. He has said that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He has said we are His jewels. He has said we are His delight.
We are able to embrace who we are because of His great love for us. His love has bestowed great value upon each of us. We are each unique and precious and irreplaceable to Him! Let us rejoice in this truth and be set free!
Thank you Christopher for showing us the love of God so magnificently that we might embrace who we are too!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Flourishing Garden or Wasteland?
Just as in the natural world there are obstacles to growth, so there are obstacles in our lives to our spiritual and emotional growth. In the natural world if there is not proper food and water a plant will not grow. In the natural world if there are weeds and they are not tended to, they will overtake and choke out the life of the plant. In the natural world light is a necessary element to most plants.
In our life as Christian women, there are obstacles to our spiritual growth and to enjoying the life that God has given us. God delights in us according to Zephaniah 3:17, and Jeremiah 29:11 says he has plans for us to give us a future and a hope! That sounds like "abundant life" was on his mind doesn't it?
But sadly many Christian women aren't experiencing that abundant life, and many are even living rather chaotically and far from the peace that Christ died to bring to us. Many women have been sidetracked and sidelined by obstacles that the enemy of our soul has thrown at us, many of us, have let "weeds", "drought", and "lack of nutrition and light" impede their growth.
To be healthy we need to drink deeply of the "living water" that Jesus says is in him. We need to stay close in relationship to the Lord. We need to spend time just being refreshed by soaking in His presence. That takes a commitment of our time and will. Will I find a quiet place to just play some praise music and give my attention to adoration of Him. Will I thank Him? Will I confess my need of Him? We need to purposely choose to make time for Him, to be refreshed by being in the presence of the living water instead of going through perpetual drought.
We need to also be feeding on the right things in order to grow. Have you seen tomato plants and other plants that are given special plant food or fertilizer? They thrive and grow awesome vegetation and flowers. We must overcome the obstacle of starvation of our spirtual life. "Man doesn't live by bread alone, the scriptures tell us, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Most of us don't miss too many meals, we wouldn't let ourselves go hungry or eat only junk foods, yet we often starve our spiritual life, choosing to fill up on the junk food of life like entertainment, possessions, and status. We must feast upon God's word and take it in so that it might change our attitudes, deal with our woundedness and pain, and strengthen us for life in a fallen world. The fruit of our lives will evidence what we are feeding on. I want to feast on the truth of God's word, not the "wisdom" or cheap substitutes of this world.
Weeds can also destroy a beautiful garden. Wrong attitudes and motives, complaining, murmuring, being judgemental and critical of others, having perfectionistic, unrealistic expectations, being disobedient and prideful are all like weeds that grow and choke the life out of us and rob us of the beautiful plans God has for us. Murmuring and complaining cost the Israelistes 40 years of wandering around the same mountain instead of taking possession quickly of the promised land. Weeds need to be plucked out of a garden regularly to keep it vital and growing, the same is true of the "weeds" our enemy has sown in our lives. We must apply the "weed killer" of God's truth to the weeds in our life. We need to ask the Lord to show us what weeds are growing in our life and to seek from His words the truths that will kill those destructive weeds. It takes persistent application!
How about light? Are you letting the light of God's presence and His word move through you to others? All around us there are people who are like limp, dying plants that are planted in the darkness and need to be transplanted into the light. As the Light of the World has shone on you and given you a new life and encouragement and brought freedom, so God asks that we function as light bearers in the garden of His world. We are to shine the light of truth, encouragement, and love on those God has put in the circle of our influence. Darkness is an obstacle to growth, and can lead to death. Jesus said we are to be in the light as He is in the light. We must battle the darkness that tries to encroach upon our lives. What we see and hear and give our attention to can bring darkness into our life. We don't want to give place to these things that darken our minds, hearts, and souls. Remember Jesus said that we are the light of the world and that's because if we are in relationship with Him we bear His light to this dark world. His is a Kingdom of Light!
The Bible says we are to be rooted and grounded in Jesus to have an abundant life in this world and to overcome pain and loss. We get to choose whether our life is a beautiful, flourishing garden or a weed infested, wasteland. God has given us a free will to make that choice. He has given us the tools we need too. He says he is the vine or root and we are the branches.
I choose to seek that my life becomes a beautiful, vibrant, colorful, butterfly filled, aromatic garden, don't you?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"My peace I Leave With You"
It's amazing how peaceful I feel when I walk through the woods or a garden and take in all the beauty of God's creation. I love walking and talking to the Lord...kinda like the Garden of Eden. Somedays though, I am confronted over and over with reminders that "we ain't in Eden anymore, Dorothy". It can be just turning on the TV and hearing a news cast or seeing the "junk" that passes for entertainment. Things can sometimes look pretty bleak and very un-peaceful in the world around us.
Jesus said in John 16:33..."In the world you will have tribulation, and trials and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer{take courage, be confident, certain, undaunted}for I have overcome the world. {I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.} Amplified version.
I am so thankful that we have God's word in times like these, when we look around us and there is so much corruption, lack of integrity, low or no values, greed for power, violence and mockery of God and Godliness. God's word helps me to keep things in perspective. I know there will always be these things until Jesus returns and reigns in victory. I am glad that we can love and serve a God who delights in righteousness and who deals mercifully with us. He is patient and He will continue to even woo the mocker. However a day is coming, the Bible tells us, when all will see Him in His glory and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus, alone, is the Lord of heaven and earth!
I find I can have a supernatural peace being in relationship to Christ. I don't feel I have to give in to the anxiety and stress of the world around me. I can "take courage, be confident, and undaunted" by what I hear on the nightly news or from those who are fearful around me. Why? Because I KNOW in whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to deliver me.
God says He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn't change. That is a comfort and peace when we find ourselves in the midst of a time when bad things are being called good, and good things are being called bad. I'd rather be found standing with God and what He has said than be standing with ANYONE "in power"who has gone along with every "whim and wind of change" when that "great day" of Christ's return comes. Wouldn't you?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
How majestic is your Name in all the earth! |
The works of your hands praise You! |
I may step on some toes here, but I really have felt a burning in my heart to speak up and point to our TRUE HOPE in these trying days in which America finds herself. Many Americans have believed a
huge lie. We are not a post-Christian nation. We are still a nation under God because it is not God who moved, but it is we.
For years now we have had promises from our politicians (from both parties) for Hope and Change, but we got some changes we hadn't hoped for! For many among us. our hopes were dashed by broken promises, selfish and corrupt decisions, and politics before integrity as a regular way of life. Those voted in to protect our country and our unique values, have sold us out to a set of false HOPES.
I know many of us as Christians are fed up with the empty promises and scandalous focus on money as the solution to much deeper problems of our people than politicians even have an inkling about. And the reason money and power don't solve any issues we are going through is they're representative of dangerous and misplaced hopes!
Our true hope is well highlighted in the Scriptures. Our "portion" isn't something that the government can dole out to us! Our legitimate HOPE is in the Lord, God who is our true portion! Lamentations 3:24, "The Lord is my portion (share), says my soul. Therefore I place my HOPE in Him." Surely Almighty God is where I need to place my HOPE. Scripture tells me that if I will HOPE IN THE LORD there is blessing attached. Psalm 146:5 says "Happy is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose HOPE is in the Lord." Jeremiah 17:7 says "Most blessed is the man who believes, trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose HOPE and confidence the Lord is." Psalm 33:18, "The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him and whose HOPE is in HIS mercy."
As a woman of God, I have chosen to put my HOPE in the God I trust, who cares for me and has provided for me for 57 years, rather than a system of government. God says, "choose this day who {what} you will serve". I can't serve two masters: God and a world system made by man. The Lord has been good to me through my life in times of plenty and times of lack, He has remained a "rock" for me to stand on (unlike the shifting sands of the whims of Washington power brokers.) Isaiah 26:4 puts it well, "Hope confidently in Him for the Lord God is an EVERLASTING ROCK". I can attest to that. Even now when some of our material resources are diminishing, I am filled with such peace and a true HOPE that God, my sustainer, will help me "pass through the waters" and that we "will not be overtaken". That kind of HOPE comes from my 40 year relationship with Jehovah Jireh, my provider (the God of the Bible.)
I want to always be a woman of Godly integrity and purposes. I don't want to align myself with corrupt viewpoints and "cleverly devised schemes" and flowery talk signifying nothing. Psalm 25:20-22 speaks to this: "May integrity and uprightness protect me because my HOPE Lord is in you.
I know, I know. This is a hard stand to take in our culture that has tried to jettison God from every part of our society, but I am encouraged on by Peter who said, "But in your hearts set Christ apart as Holy and acknowledge Him as Lord, always be ready to give an answer for the HOPE, that is in you."(I Peter 3:l5) That's what I'm doing here, giving my answer to the HOPE than lies within me,
I don't fear the future, because I have known the goodness of the Lord in my times. Lamentations 3:26 tells me "The Lord is good to those whose HOPE is in Him, to the ones who seek Him." We may experience even tougher times than these in the days ahead in America, but I know that my God can and will "supply all my needs according to His riches in glory." He delights in our HOPE in Him. He loves to do the "impossible". He is my Good Shepherd and loves to take care of me, His sheep. The Bible says, "It is He that has made us and not we ourselves". Hard for some of those "self-made" political types to swallow, I imagine.
I pray that men and women of faith in our nation's capital will humble themselves and look at where they are placing their HOPE and begin to see that real change will only take place in the hearts of Americans and thus America when we have placed our HOPE back in God. We need to "humble ourselves and pray, and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways." (II Chronicles 7:l4)
A wise young woman I heard recently wisely remarked that it is what we answer to this one question posed to the Apostle Peter by Christ that can make or break our life: "Who do you say that I am?"
May my answer always remain: "You are Christ, the Lord, the son of God, who loved me and gave His life for me. I put my HOPE in you, Lord." He, unlike politicians and government, has never forsaken me and never will. He is my strong, and high tower and the lover of my soul!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Reflections of Creativity
I know many women who tell me they are not creative. I've even said it myself in my younger years before I knew better. That's because we too often equate creativity with being "artsy". You know, painting, drawing, sculpting, pottery making, writing, playing an instrument, acting. But creativity is so much more than that, and I believe that every woman is creative, but may not realize it because her definition for creativity is way too narrow.
At one time, I too denied my own creativity until I began to realize that because I am made in the image of God and He is the creator of the world, then I must have some creativity in me somewhere.
That's when I began to look more closely at my life to uncover my own unique creativity.
I found creativity in my quirky way of putting outfits together and accessorizing (or decorating, as my husband calls it) with jewelry and scarves on a very limited budget. I didn't care what was "in", I just wore what I loved and that made me feel good. This did not occur until my 40's (what can I say, I'm a late bloomer). I love to shop clearance sales and resale shops. I have found some of the greatest accessories: vintage jewelry, colorful, textured scarves, amazing handbags, cute jackets and coats; all for prices no one can believe. I think finding these things is creative too. There is an art to it and I feel beautiful and special to the Lord as He leads me to these great finds.
I also love decorating my home (shabby chic style). Since going to Paris when I was a senior in high school, I have always had a love of anything French. My house reflects that in the prints I have found and framed for my living room walls, the prints and textures in furnishings I choose, even the paint and lacy curtains on my windows. I have several prints that I love of a Renoir, a Van Gogh, and a Monet. I love playing french music when I'm home alone relaxing. I love to watch movies that highlight Paris or the French countryside and remember my own visit there.
I also feel I am creative in the way I encourage others. I love to "study" people and look for their special gifts and then encourage them to use those gifts or thank them for how their gifts have blessed my life. I love to encourage other women to not let fear limit them. If they share something they really want to do, I really ask God to use me to encourage them to step out and do it. I love to bring women together and encourage them to learn from one another. I have learned a lot from other women. Another way I have discovered I am creative is in building relationships with women and assuring them that they have found in me a safe place to share their woundedness. I love how God has brought that out in me through my own woundedness.
I have a friend who is creative in how she has handled some really hard times that have come in her life. She is creative in her trust of God to provide a better attitude toward her struggles She has a marvelous sense of humor and has developed the amazing ability to laugh her way through her hard times and get me laughing with her. She has helped me through some trying times. I have another friend who couldn't draw or paint, but put so much love into creating amazing scrapbooks and cards; she has blessed her entire family with that creativity. I have another friend that has turned making kalochkys (a Polish "cookie") into its own delicious art form. Everyone loves them and often asks if she will bring them to a gathering. One of my friends who loves to support women's creativity, started a yearly Christmas Open House at her home that showcased many different women's creative renderings such as scarves, ornaments, jewelry, baskets, baked goods, doll clothes and other unique handmade gifts (a highlight of my Christmas shopping experience). Another dear friend who loves to cook and especially bake has such a gift of hospitality, I feel like I "went home" every time I go to her house, because I feel so pampered with her love and yummy food. I have one friend who is so creative with how she encourages me by sharing God lessons from her life. All these are reflections of the creative God in their lives.
Do you see what I'm getting at? We are the body of Christ, ladies. God already bestowed on us as women one of the most creative things in the world: giving birth! We don't just birth children. We as women give birth to so many ideas and innovations that bless our world. No one is unnecessary because all of us are creative in carrying Christ and his message into our world. In our own unique ways, we reflect the creativity of our God to others and invite them to share the special creativity He has given them. Don't continue to think about being creative in an "old wineskins" kind of way. We have our Father God's DNA running through us and it manifests uniquely in each person, that we might love and serve one another. If you don't know your particular creative footprint yet, ask God to reveal it to you and then flow in that. I've found that it brings peace and joy to your soul and then opens the floodgates of inspiration and more creativity.
Another word for creativity is courage~George Prince
Stop trying to pattern yourself after the pastor's wife, the news anchor, your girlfriend, and your next door neighbor, and develop the unique, exquisite woman within. ~ Jacqueline Jakes
At one time, I too denied my own creativity until I began to realize that because I am made in the image of God and He is the creator of the world, then I must have some creativity in me somewhere.
That's when I began to look more closely at my life to uncover my own unique creativity.
I found creativity in my quirky way of putting outfits together and accessorizing (or decorating, as my husband calls it) with jewelry and scarves on a very limited budget. I didn't care what was "in", I just wore what I loved and that made me feel good. This did not occur until my 40's (what can I say, I'm a late bloomer). I love to shop clearance sales and resale shops. I have found some of the greatest accessories: vintage jewelry, colorful, textured scarves, amazing handbags, cute jackets and coats; all for prices no one can believe. I think finding these things is creative too. There is an art to it and I feel beautiful and special to the Lord as He leads me to these great finds.
I also love decorating my home (shabby chic style). Since going to Paris when I was a senior in high school, I have always had a love of anything French. My house reflects that in the prints I have found and framed for my living room walls, the prints and textures in furnishings I choose, even the paint and lacy curtains on my windows. I have several prints that I love of a Renoir, a Van Gogh, and a Monet. I love playing french music when I'm home alone relaxing. I love to watch movies that highlight Paris or the French countryside and remember my own visit there.
I also feel I am creative in the way I encourage others. I love to "study" people and look for their special gifts and then encourage them to use those gifts or thank them for how their gifts have blessed my life. I love to encourage other women to not let fear limit them. If they share something they really want to do, I really ask God to use me to encourage them to step out and do it. I love to bring women together and encourage them to learn from one another. I have learned a lot from other women. Another way I have discovered I am creative is in building relationships with women and assuring them that they have found in me a safe place to share their woundedness. I love how God has brought that out in me through my own woundedness.
I have a friend who is creative in how she has handled some really hard times that have come in her life. She is creative in her trust of God to provide a better attitude toward her struggles She has a marvelous sense of humor and has developed the amazing ability to laugh her way through her hard times and get me laughing with her. She has helped me through some trying times. I have another friend who couldn't draw or paint, but put so much love into creating amazing scrapbooks and cards; she has blessed her entire family with that creativity. I have another friend that has turned making kalochkys (a Polish "cookie") into its own delicious art form. Everyone loves them and often asks if she will bring them to a gathering. One of my friends who loves to support women's creativity, started a yearly Christmas Open House at her home that showcased many different women's creative renderings such as scarves, ornaments, jewelry, baskets, baked goods, doll clothes and other unique handmade gifts (a highlight of my Christmas shopping experience). Another dear friend who loves to cook and especially bake has such a gift of hospitality, I feel like I "went home" every time I go to her house, because I feel so pampered with her love and yummy food. I have one friend who is so creative with how she encourages me by sharing God lessons from her life. All these are reflections of the creative God in their lives.
Do you see what I'm getting at? We are the body of Christ, ladies. God already bestowed on us as women one of the most creative things in the world: giving birth! We don't just birth children. We as women give birth to so many ideas and innovations that bless our world. No one is unnecessary because all of us are creative in carrying Christ and his message into our world. In our own unique ways, we reflect the creativity of our God to others and invite them to share the special creativity He has given them. Don't continue to think about being creative in an "old wineskins" kind of way. We have our Father God's DNA running through us and it manifests uniquely in each person, that we might love and serve one another. If you don't know your particular creative footprint yet, ask God to reveal it to you and then flow in that. I've found that it brings peace and joy to your soul and then opens the floodgates of inspiration and more creativity.
Another word for creativity is courage~George Prince
Stop trying to pattern yourself after the pastor's wife, the news anchor, your girlfriend, and your next door neighbor, and develop the unique, exquisite woman within. ~ Jacqueline Jakes
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sisters of the Heart
Tuesday night at our small group we were discussing the friendships of women and what they add to our life as Christian Women. Friendships are not to compete with our relationship to our husband or children, but they actually add grace to those relationships as women find encouragement and accountability in their friendship with another woman. Women need to be able to share their hearts with another woman who will understand her feelings and yet remind her not to be ruled by them. Women friends can "handle" each others emotions. That doesn't mean a woman shouldn't share her feelings with her husband, but she should not be in despair if he doesn't seem to be able to understand her feelings as she would like him to, or be interested in listening to the details. Men like to get to the point and then want to find a solution (the conquering hero). All men aren't that comfortable with our emotions and a wise and strong man will encourage his wife to have and pursue friendships with women, just as they pursue friendships with men.
Women are generally more comfortable around the arena of emotions and can provide support for a woman who may be grieving a loss, or dealing with a rebellious child, or feeling insecure because of gaining weight, or struggling under the demands of work and child rearing. Another woman can listen and relate and offer empathy, exhortation, wisdom, and prayer and not feel they have to "fix" the problem, as men often feel burdened to do when women share emotion. Women are bound together in a wonderfully powerful connection as sisters of the heart. Rich is the woman who has developed some supportive, long-term friendships. God's direction to "not forsake the assembling of yourselves together" holds a special meaning for women. We are made with an inner desire to understand and be understood by other women, we like coming together for affirmig one another and talking about child rearing, work, and many other subjects including our relationship with God. In the book of Timothy the older women are told to "teach the younger women" things that will help them to be faithful women of God in their homes, work and communities. We need to make time in our busy lives today as women. In the old days, women would gather and quilt, can food grown in their gardens, and exchange recipes and remedies as well as encourage one another through tough times, They would share their life stories with each other and often find healing for their wounds in the community of women around them. Today women may still do some of these things, but with technology and such a fast pace of life, many women actually can become isolated by life demands.
I have benefited from some very strong and loyal friendships with other women. I have recieved acceptance and healing and love from my sisterhood of friends. I have laughed and cried with my sisters and I have been motivated and inspired by them. I count it one of the joys of life to have connections with women of different ages, races and marital status and hear their stories of faith, fortitude, joy, sorrow, restoration, and courage.

Sisters of the Heart by Teresa Jobst
They come along throughout our life
These sisters of the heart
That make you feel right at home
From the moment you first meet.
You can trust them with your soul
You know you can be who you are.
They see your weaknesses but love you just the same.
They see your strengths and remind you of them often.
They stand with you to see the miracle of answered prayer.
They help ease the burdens of this busy life,
Speaking encouragement and exhortation.
Giving from a heart of love and generosity,
A double portion blessing.
Whether one or many days apart,
There is no lack of intimate reconnection.
Yes they come along throughout life's seasons.
Bringing their faith, courage, love and acceptance
These sisters of the heart.
Do you have a story about a "sister of the heart" in your life? Feel free to share a little about her in the comments section below.
Women are generally more comfortable around the arena of emotions and can provide support for a woman who may be grieving a loss, or dealing with a rebellious child, or feeling insecure because of gaining weight, or struggling under the demands of work and child rearing. Another woman can listen and relate and offer empathy, exhortation, wisdom, and prayer and not feel they have to "fix" the problem, as men often feel burdened to do when women share emotion. Women are bound together in a wonderfully powerful connection as sisters of the heart. Rich is the woman who has developed some supportive, long-term friendships. God's direction to "not forsake the assembling of yourselves together" holds a special meaning for women. We are made with an inner desire to understand and be understood by other women, we like coming together for affirmig one another and talking about child rearing, work, and many other subjects including our relationship with God. In the book of Timothy the older women are told to "teach the younger women" things that will help them to be faithful women of God in their homes, work and communities. We need to make time in our busy lives today as women. In the old days, women would gather and quilt, can food grown in their gardens, and exchange recipes and remedies as well as encourage one another through tough times, They would share their life stories with each other and often find healing for their wounds in the community of women around them. Today women may still do some of these things, but with technology and such a fast pace of life, many women actually can become isolated by life demands.
I have benefited from some very strong and loyal friendships with other women. I have recieved acceptance and healing and love from my sisterhood of friends. I have laughed and cried with my sisters and I have been motivated and inspired by them. I count it one of the joys of life to have connections with women of different ages, races and marital status and hear their stories of faith, fortitude, joy, sorrow, restoration, and courage.
Sisters of the Heart by Teresa Jobst
They come along throughout our life
These sisters of the heart
That make you feel right at home
From the moment you first meet.
You can trust them with your soul
You know you can be who you are.
They see your weaknesses but love you just the same.
They see your strengths and remind you of them often.
They stand with you to see the miracle of answered prayer.
They help ease the burdens of this busy life,
Speaking encouragement and exhortation.
Giving from a heart of love and generosity,
A double portion blessing.
Whether one or many days apart,
There is no lack of intimate reconnection.
Yes they come along throughout life's seasons.
Bringing their faith, courage, love and acceptance
These sisters of the heart.
Do you have a story about a "sister of the heart" in your life? Feel free to share a little about her in the comments section below.
Monday, August 29, 2011
For the Display of His Splendor
That we may be a planting of the Lord for the display of HIS splendor. |
I want to bloom wherever I'm planted to be a "display of HIS splendor"as it says in the book of Isaiah. That has been a desire of my heart for many years. It wasn't until this summer that a series of events led me to a big life change that God had planned for my life several years ago. Oh how he knows me and my comfort zones! I have been working in education for over 20 years as a Teacher Assistant and the past ten years as a teacher in a small Christian school here in Chicago. I have loved teaching children both in elementary school and Sunday school over these many years. As any teacher will tell you it is more than a full time job; and I married just the right man to be a "teacher husband". Matt adapted to my weekends of lesson plans and grading, and spending our own money on things, "I really need for class"! What a responsibility teaching has been and what a privilege. It has been a huge part of who I am for all these years, so it was a hard decision to "retire". But God had a different plan for this season of my life.
You see, ten years ago at a women's conference, God put another call on my life. He said to me that I was going to teach women. I was dumbfounded. I was very comfortable with teaching children and thought maybe I had misunderstood. So months and even years began to pass and I wasn't hearing anymore from God about this and almost forgot about it. Then God put a woman in my path who I was destined to be connected to. She was the director of a residential home for women with addictions here in Chicago, called New Life for Girls. When Ms. Pam came to speak at our church, God put a fire in my heart that I had to go talk to her and be connected with this ministry. When I sheepishly approached her and told her that I felt God had told me to connect with her and the ministry, she took it all in stride as if such things happened everyday and invited me to come see the ministry. As they say...the rest is history. I served on the board of directors for awhile, taught a weekly bible study for almost five years there, helped with fundraisers and just learned to minister God's love and truth under Ms. Pam's guidance. I fell in love with the ministry of helping hurting women! I felt like I had come home....probably because I was working through some residual woundedness of my own.
About a year and a half ago, God moved us back to a church we had attended when our kids were younger. The church had grown and we were thrilled with the life and love we saw there. We were returning to our old church as empty nesters with all our children grown, but in my heart God had placed a deep hunger for ministering to hurting women. It was amazing how God brought us back there. After several months there, our Pastor's wife spoke to me and said they had been praying for someone to start a recovery program for women at the church. Hearing of my love and experiences at New Life for Girls, she wondered if I might be interested in facilitating a weekly recovery program for women. I remember crying to my husband after my conversation with her, when I realized the journey God had planned ten years ago to fulfill the calling He had put on my life at that time.
Last year, God showed me I needed to work part-time at my school because the recovery ministry
was growing and the demands for mentoring and leading groups and training leaders was growing too.
So, I worked part-time last year because God was weaning me from my old comfort zone and showing me that my identity was not limited to teaching children at school. Then this summer, God began to show me that I needed to leave my comfort zone completely and focus on the ministry He had led me to start at our church. I struggled with leaving teaching school, and God was so patient with me, giving me many indicators that it was indeed Him speaking this change into my life, and showing me my husband was in agreement that we should take this faith step. I had many friends, family and my pastor and his wife praying for me. Suddenly this past weekend, I knew God was asking me to just put out my foot and take the first step of faith toward his new plan for me. By Sunday, I was ready to tell my husband that I had decided to "retire" and focus on the recovery ministry. My pastor came up and started talking to my husband on Sunday morning before the service and I asked pastor to pray for me regarding this decision which he knew I had been wrestling with for awhile. When he and my husband
laid hands on me and prayed for me, I just had that moment of clarity of "knowing" what God was telling me to do. I felt so supported by these two men of God in my life.
God has a great sense of timing... and humor. I had been waiting to hear from the school about working part-time again this year and so on Monday, I sat down at the computer to write to my principal to tell her that I had decided not to return and why. My phone beeped that I had a message, so I checked and saw that it was our assistant to the principal who had called. I returned her call, to let her know that I would not be returning to school for this coming year, and was ready to email my official notice to the principal. As we talked, I had to laugh because she had been calling to tell me that they didn't even have a part-time spot in the program for me as of yet for this year because of enrollment changes! So, God allowed me to have the time I needed to get into agreement with His plan for me and then just in case I was slow in coming into agreement, He closed the position as a final confirmation to me of His will.
I have real peace about this decision and my husband and I are in agreement that we will depend upon God for our financial needs to be met as we line up with what we believe to be His will for us. I have been called to mentor women and write in this season of my life. I want HIS splendor displayed to all who read my story of being in agreement with God. I want other women struggling with waiting on the fulfillment of God's call on their life to be encouraged that God hasn't forgotten. He has plans just for you. I want women struggling with transition to a new season of their life to be inspired and comforted with His peace. I want husbands and pastors of women to realize how important their role of encouragement, and support, and prayer are to a woman in transition. Their prayer covering is so important to the process. I want women to see how important their friendships are to one another in being part of God's process of transition to new plans and purposes. I thank my women friends who have been with me through these years, praying with me, waiting with me, crying with me, and now celebrating with me and encouraging me through the rugged places in the journey of obedience ahead.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Woman of God
I have been blessed to have as friends, many delightful women who have blessed and continue to bless my life. Tonight I spent time with a friend who has blessed my life for many years. She has been a friend, a confidant, an encourager, an example, a mentor, and a co-laborer in ministry. I have been blessed to see her faithfulness to God in the midst of some challenging life circumstances. She is perfectly imperfect, humble and always learning and growing.
She is my friend. a true, life treasure, a "sister of the heart". Several years ago I wrote this poem for her and am so blessed that she is still part of my life.
WOMAN OF GOD by Teresa Jobst
This woman of God, she knows whose she is.
She knows her salvation comes from Him alone.
He has been her rock and her refuge,
Her light in the darkness, her help in times of trouble.
He commands angels to conquer her enemy.
She leans into Him, trusting His ways above her own.
She knows His voice and waits in quiet expectation.
For she knows He will lead her beside still waters,
And restore her when she is spent,
Even granting her the faith to believe what she can't yet see.
She braces her mind with his living, powerful word.
She knows He has given her favor and lifted her burdens
That she might carry His healing to those who are broken.
His grace abounds over her and spills out to touch the wounded.
He sets her feet on paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
This woman of God who gives herself to Him with surrender,
Has given herself to many others as wife, mother, mentor, caretaker, friend.
He delights over her with singing, rejoicing in His beloved creation,
As He declares in familiar chorus, " Yes, she is good, she is very good."
This woman of God, who knows WHOSE she is.
She is my friend. a true, life treasure, a "sister of the heart". Several years ago I wrote this poem for her and am so blessed that she is still part of my life.
WOMAN OF GOD by Teresa Jobst
This woman of God, she knows whose she is.
She knows her salvation comes from Him alone.
He has been her rock and her refuge,
Her light in the darkness, her help in times of trouble.
He commands angels to conquer her enemy.
She leans into Him, trusting His ways above her own.
She knows His voice and waits in quiet expectation.
For she knows He will lead her beside still waters,
And restore her when she is spent,
Even granting her the faith to believe what she can't yet see.
She braces her mind with his living, powerful word.
She knows He has given her favor and lifted her burdens
That she might carry His healing to those who are broken.
His grace abounds over her and spills out to touch the wounded.
He sets her feet on paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
This woman of God who gives herself to Him with surrender,
Has given herself to many others as wife, mother, mentor, caretaker, friend.
He delights over her with singing, rejoicing in His beloved creation,
As He declares in familiar chorus, " Yes, she is good, she is very good."
This woman of God, who knows WHOSE she is.
A true friend is like a beautiful garden, nourishing the soul! |
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Will of God Watch this Steven Curtis Chapman music video on his song, "Do Everything" for a great Monday jumpstart to your week!
You know as I watched this video and listened to the song this morning on God Tube, I was struck that in this fun and catchy song, there is a lot being said about the will of God for my life. I think Steven Curtis Chapman really hit upon 3 things in his chorus that are God's will for me as a believer.
do EVERYTHING FOR GOD'S GLORY. (1 Corinthians 10:31). Everything is pretty inclusive isn't it? So when I'm doing my housework, or tutoring a student it should be to God's glory just as much as when I'm teaching a Bible lesson, or mentoring a woman in her faith, or worshiping, or praying. So, playing with my grandson, trying out a new recipe, shopping, exercising, reading, napping....all should be done to the Glory of God? That's His will for us? Yes, and I dare say that it will infuse these daily activities with a fresh sense of God's presence in even the most mundane of activities.
Try to bring a smile to His Face: How often have I really given thought to God smiling? That something I do could bring a smile of joy to God's face? How much do I just go on auto-pilot unaware that God does delight in me and in my giving my life to Him. Psalm 34:1 says "I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth." I think we can also bless the Lord by being more present in our relationship with him moment by moment, seeking to bring a smile to His face by the things we say and do all througout our days. After all the Word of God says "he rejoices over you with singing" (Zeph 3:17). Maybe it's God's will for me to give Him something worth singing and rejoicing over and smililng about. Wow, I've really got to work on this one.
Tell the Story of His Grace: We have been given a clear commandment concerning His will on this one in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations....teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you..." We are charged with telling others of His grace and making disciples (faithful followers). It is His will that I share my testimony of how Christ proved His love for me by willingly dying for me, a sinner. I can share God's patient work of love and healing over my life. I can make time to "mentor" those who are new in their faith. I can pray for those who are seeking understanding of who Jesus is. Because God continues to work in my life, I constantly have examples of His grace to share.
Isn't it amazing that on a Monday morning, God can use a song and teach me so much about His will for me and I'm not even sitting in church?
Think I'll replay the video one more time!
You know as I watched this video and listened to the song this morning on God Tube, I was struck that in this fun and catchy song, there is a lot being said about the will of God for my life. I think Steven Curtis Chapman really hit upon 3 things in his chorus that are God's will for me as a believer.
- Do everything you do to the glory of God.
- Try to bring a smile to His face.
- Tell the story of His grace.
do EVERYTHING FOR GOD'S GLORY. (1 Corinthians 10:31). Everything is pretty inclusive isn't it? So when I'm doing my housework, or tutoring a student it should be to God's glory just as much as when I'm teaching a Bible lesson, or mentoring a woman in her faith, or worshiping, or praying. So, playing with my grandson, trying out a new recipe, shopping, exercising, reading, napping....all should be done to the Glory of God? That's His will for us? Yes, and I dare say that it will infuse these daily activities with a fresh sense of God's presence in even the most mundane of activities.
Try to bring a smile to His Face: How often have I really given thought to God smiling? That something I do could bring a smile of joy to God's face? How much do I just go on auto-pilot unaware that God does delight in me and in my giving my life to Him. Psalm 34:1 says "I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth." I think we can also bless the Lord by being more present in our relationship with him moment by moment, seeking to bring a smile to His face by the things we say and do all througout our days. After all the Word of God says "he rejoices over you with singing" (Zeph 3:17). Maybe it's God's will for me to give Him something worth singing and rejoicing over and smililng about. Wow, I've really got to work on this one.
Tell the Story of His Grace: We have been given a clear commandment concerning His will on this one in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations....teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you..." We are charged with telling others of His grace and making disciples (faithful followers). It is His will that I share my testimony of how Christ proved His love for me by willingly dying for me, a sinner. I can share God's patient work of love and healing over my life. I can make time to "mentor" those who are new in their faith. I can pray for those who are seeking understanding of who Jesus is. Because God continues to work in my life, I constantly have examples of His grace to share.
Isn't it amazing that on a Monday morning, God can use a song and teach me so much about His will for me and I'm not even sitting in church?
Think I'll replay the video one more time!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Traditions~Keeping Family Ties Strong!
Traditional Birthday weekend in Kenosha |
Playing Uno on our Kenosha Weekend! |
There is a special bonding of hearts that happens with our families when we participate in traditions. It reinforces our sense of belonging to one another. It identifies us to ourselves as the "___" clan! It gives us the opportunity to invest in our history as a family! It brings joy to family members of all ages and a sense of security in what sometimes seems a fragile world.
My husband and I started a tradition about 4 or 5 years ago of going to Lake Geneva and Kenosha area of Wisconsin to celebrate our shared birthday. It coincides with the Art in the Park fest in Lake Geneva so we started going and spending the weekend and inviting our adult kids to come along. Last year we were joined by my son's new wife and step-son and his mother-in-law. This year my daughter was able to join us again too. The laughter and comraderie and love for one another just makes our yearly birthday tradition so special for my husband and I. It is wonderful to look back over photos of these times together in Wisconsin and revel in the treasure of family.
As we as Americans face some difficult financial times ahead, we especially need some of these weekend family get-a-ways. These family mini-vacations are priceless. It's worth the small investment to us to keep up our tradition of this birthday weekend other gifts needed, just having our kids with us is the best gift we could ever receive.
We have other family traditions as well that are unique to us. How about you? Are you keeping family traditions, making new ones as you add family members? It is an investment in strong family ties!
Feel free to click on "comment" and share your favorite family tradition!
Poppi with daughter Amy and daughter-in-law, Brandi in Kenosha 2011 |
The "grandmas" at Art in the Park 2010 Lake Geneva |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Please watch this Godtube clip:
We have all struggled with difficulties in life from time to time. Maybe some of you have lost a job, lost a business, lost your home, lost a relationship, struggled with an addiction, had some deeply challenging health issues, or grieved the death of a someone you loved. Whatever we may come up against, I am convinced that it is our attitude that helps us or hurts us as we go through life challenges. God gave us a free will. We always have the choice to whine and complain and remain in our pain, or to surrender, trust, and receive the peace, presence and power of God.
I know from first hand experience that the temptation to whine, complain and remain is very strong when I am reeling from one of life's "gut punches". I will be honest and say I have given in to that temptation in some situations. But I have learned the hard way, that having an attitude of surrender, trust and being willing to receive God's peace and direction is the better choice. This little boy's attitude in this clip, has been God's grace gift to him. He is such an example to us with his choosing of determination, a smiling countenance, and cheerfulness. He has overcome greater things in his young life than I have ever faced or maybe will ever face! He inspires me by not being in denial of his situation, but having an attitude of willingness to learn to do what he can, and to let others support him by doing things for him that he can't do for himself.
God's grace has been poured out for me too, Do I have the attitude of availing myself to hold out my cup and let that grace overflow my life in all situations, or do I have a pity party and sit immobilized
with an attitude of resignation and defeat? I want to have the attitude that will allow me to experience the presence and power of God over my circumstances. Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (trials, struggles, pain), but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 6:33
Attitude: It's my choice how I face life's trials.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
3 Things I've learned about Balance
Most women I know should have a degree in juggling. You know, like the person who entertains us at a circus by juggling rings, balls, swords, or firesticks? In the world we live in today, women learn early on to multi-task with career, marriage, kids, further education, self-care, and church ministries. Some women may be energized by all this "juggling", but many are truthfully just worn out! I've been in both camps at different times of my life, so let me share what I have been learning over the years about the importance of achieving some of that elusive balance in my life.
1. Determine who or what is the "hub" of my life.
Let me introduce you to a new friend that I met at a Writing Workshop. She writes and performs songs. Her name is Jen Letamendi and she has just posted her first You Tube video singing one of her songs. She strives for balanced living and has 2 wonderful blogs you can check out: and
Here is the link to Jen's youtube debut:
1. Determine who or what is the "hub" of my life.
- What is my center, what is my motivating force of life? It took me a long time to realilze I was not the central focus of my life. When I came to faith, I saw that I was never going to be happy with me as the hub of my life. It was only when I put Jesus in the center, that I began to experience any real balance happening in my life. Matthew 6:33 says "And seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Things will fall into place if God is in the right place in my life because He will guide me.
- The Bible instructs us to have Jesus as priority # 1. Colossians 3:17 says "And whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus {the Hub}, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."
- What season are you in? A farmer doesn't do everything in one season. In Spring he plants, in Summer he tends and weeds, in Fall he harvests and prunes, and in Winter he and the soil rest.
- We, too, have seasons. We don't have to do everything at once no matter what our culture tries to say to the contrary. We have the season of childhood for learning and acquiring skills and discovering our gifts.There is the summer season when we are young adults, learning where we fit in the world; perhaps in a marriage and with children or developing a career or a business, and learning where we fit into ministry in the body of Christ. Then there is the Fall, when we begin to harvest the "fruits" of our labor. Our children have grown up, our businesses have thrived or failed, and we begin to see the spiritual fruit if we have sowed into others lives. Then there comes Winter, a season many fear instead of embrace; but an important season. This is a time to rest, reflect and regroup. We reflect on past seasons and share wisdom with those who are in other seasons to help them arrive at Winter well prepared. This is a time where we may apply the phrase "work smarter, not harder". I have been blessed by the example of those who have gone through the Winter season and left me a trail to follow.
- You can't rush the process of each season. Enjoy the season you're in with all the things that accompany it. Two synonyms for balance are orderly and stable; not chaotic, hurried and stressed. Nothing grows well in that kind of "soil".
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 "For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven...."
- Peace is a much sought after commodity today. So many individuals and families live with very little peace in their lives regardless of financial provision. When we seek to live in balance in our life, the Bible says in Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is focused on you, Lord." We are able to feel peace in our lives even in the midst of times of unrest around us because of Jesus, who is the Prince of Peace. We can access this peace by talking to the Lord in prayer at any time of day or night (beats waiting for a bill to clear Congress).
- Contentment is something we all want in our life, but I have found few truly have it. We base our contentment on acquiring possessions, titles, fame or fortune. We grow anxious and stressed trying to work at an impossible speed to achieve and keep these things, only to find they don't bring the contentment we were seeking. The apostle Paul stated plainly, "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content." (Philippians 4:11). That, is real contentment.
- Strength for the difficulties of life is another reward we get from living a balanced life. Paul surely must have learned this well as we look back at his life because we hear him say in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.
Let me introduce you to a new friend that I met at a Writing Workshop. She writes and performs songs. Her name is Jen Letamendi and she has just posted her first You Tube video singing one of her songs. She strives for balanced living and has 2 wonderful blogs you can check out: and
Here is the link to Jen's youtube debut:
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