We have all struggled with difficulties in life from time to time. Maybe some of you have lost a job, lost a business, lost your home, lost a relationship, struggled with an addiction, had some deeply challenging health issues, or grieved the death of a someone you loved. Whatever we may come up against, I am convinced that it is our attitude that helps us or hurts us as we go through life challenges. God gave us a free will. We always have the choice to whine and complain and remain in our pain, or to surrender, trust, and receive the peace, presence and power of God.
I know from first hand experience that the temptation to whine, complain and remain is very strong when I am reeling from one of life's "gut punches". I will be honest and say I have given in to that temptation in some situations. But I have learned the hard way, that having an attitude of surrender, trust and being willing to receive God's peace and direction is the better choice. This little boy's attitude in this clip, has been God's grace gift to him. He is such an example to us with his choosing of determination, a smiling countenance, and cheerfulness. He has overcome greater things in his young life than I have ever faced or maybe will ever face! He inspires me by not being in denial of his situation, but having an attitude of willingness to learn to do what he can, and to let others support him by doing things for him that he can't do for himself.
God's grace has been poured out for me too, Do I have the attitude of availing myself to hold out my cup and let that grace overflow my life in all situations, or do I have a pity party and sit immobilized
with an attitude of resignation and defeat? I want to have the attitude that will allow me to experience the presence and power of God over my circumstances. Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (trials, struggles, pain), but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 6:33
Attitude: It's my choice how I face life's trials.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful article with us. I too have to learn how to face my daily challenges with a positive attitude and with faith and trust in the Lord who always watches me. I am a friend of Cheryl Moeller and have my blog at http://dickyto.com. I hope you will find my articles interesting and encouraging as well. I will join your site. : )