This is a place for women to come in and find nurturing, mentoring, an encouraging word, a poem, inspiration, a place of quiet reflection in a world of hurry.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"My peace I Leave With You"
It's amazing how peaceful I feel when I walk through the woods or a garden and take in all the beauty of God's creation. I love walking and talking to the Lord...kinda like the Garden of Eden. Somedays though, I am confronted over and over with reminders that "we ain't in Eden anymore, Dorothy". It can be just turning on the TV and hearing a news cast or seeing the "junk" that passes for entertainment. Things can sometimes look pretty bleak and very un-peaceful in the world around us.
Jesus said in John 16:33..."In the world you will have tribulation, and trials and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer{take courage, be confident, certain, undaunted}for I have overcome the world. {I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.} Amplified version.
I am so thankful that we have God's word in times like these, when we look around us and there is so much corruption, lack of integrity, low or no values, greed for power, violence and mockery of God and Godliness. God's word helps me to keep things in perspective. I know there will always be these things until Jesus returns and reigns in victory. I am glad that we can love and serve a God who delights in righteousness and who deals mercifully with us. He is patient and He will continue to even woo the mocker. However a day is coming, the Bible tells us, when all will see Him in His glory and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus, alone, is the Lord of heaven and earth!
I find I can have a supernatural peace being in relationship to Christ. I don't feel I have to give in to the anxiety and stress of the world around me. I can "take courage, be confident, and undaunted" by what I hear on the nightly news or from those who are fearful around me. Why? Because I KNOW in whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to deliver me.
God says He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn't change. That is a comfort and peace when we find ourselves in the midst of a time when bad things are being called good, and good things are being called bad. I'd rather be found standing with God and what He has said than be standing with ANYONE "in power"who has gone along with every "whim and wind of change" when that "great day" of Christ's return comes. Wouldn't you?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
How majestic is your Name in all the earth! |
The works of your hands praise You! |
I may step on some toes here, but I really have felt a burning in my heart to speak up and point to our TRUE HOPE in these trying days in which America finds herself. Many Americans have believed a
huge lie. We are not a post-Christian nation. We are still a nation under God because it is not God who moved, but it is we.
For years now we have had promises from our politicians (from both parties) for Hope and Change, but we got some changes we hadn't hoped for! For many among us. our hopes were dashed by broken promises, selfish and corrupt decisions, and politics before integrity as a regular way of life. Those voted in to protect our country and our unique values, have sold us out to a set of false HOPES.
I know many of us as Christians are fed up with the empty promises and scandalous focus on money as the solution to much deeper problems of our people than politicians even have an inkling about. And the reason money and power don't solve any issues we are going through is they're representative of dangerous and misplaced hopes!
Our true hope is well highlighted in the Scriptures. Our "portion" isn't something that the government can dole out to us! Our legitimate HOPE is in the Lord, God who is our true portion! Lamentations 3:24, "The Lord is my portion (share), says my soul. Therefore I place my HOPE in Him." Surely Almighty God is where I need to place my HOPE. Scripture tells me that if I will HOPE IN THE LORD there is blessing attached. Psalm 146:5 says "Happy is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose HOPE is in the Lord." Jeremiah 17:7 says "Most blessed is the man who believes, trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose HOPE and confidence the Lord is." Psalm 33:18, "The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him and whose HOPE is in HIS mercy."
As a woman of God, I have chosen to put my HOPE in the God I trust, who cares for me and has provided for me for 57 years, rather than a system of government. God says, "choose this day who {what} you will serve". I can't serve two masters: God and a world system made by man. The Lord has been good to me through my life in times of plenty and times of lack, He has remained a "rock" for me to stand on (unlike the shifting sands of the whims of Washington power brokers.) Isaiah 26:4 puts it well, "Hope confidently in Him for the Lord God is an EVERLASTING ROCK". I can attest to that. Even now when some of our material resources are diminishing, I am filled with such peace and a true HOPE that God, my sustainer, will help me "pass through the waters" and that we "will not be overtaken". That kind of HOPE comes from my 40 year relationship with Jehovah Jireh, my provider (the God of the Bible.)
I want to always be a woman of Godly integrity and purposes. I don't want to align myself with corrupt viewpoints and "cleverly devised schemes" and flowery talk signifying nothing. Psalm 25:20-22 speaks to this: "May integrity and uprightness protect me because my HOPE Lord is in you.
I know, I know. This is a hard stand to take in our culture that has tried to jettison God from every part of our society, but I am encouraged on by Peter who said, "But in your hearts set Christ apart as Holy and acknowledge Him as Lord, always be ready to give an answer for the HOPE, that is in you."(I Peter 3:l5) That's what I'm doing here, giving my answer to the HOPE than lies within me,
I don't fear the future, because I have known the goodness of the Lord in my times. Lamentations 3:26 tells me "The Lord is good to those whose HOPE is in Him, to the ones who seek Him." We may experience even tougher times than these in the days ahead in America, but I know that my God can and will "supply all my needs according to His riches in glory." He delights in our HOPE in Him. He loves to do the "impossible". He is my Good Shepherd and loves to take care of me, His sheep. The Bible says, "It is He that has made us and not we ourselves". Hard for some of those "self-made" political types to swallow, I imagine.
I pray that men and women of faith in our nation's capital will humble themselves and look at where they are placing their HOPE and begin to see that real change will only take place in the hearts of Americans and thus America when we have placed our HOPE back in God. We need to "humble ourselves and pray, and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways." (II Chronicles 7:l4)
A wise young woman I heard recently wisely remarked that it is what we answer to this one question posed to the Apostle Peter by Christ that can make or break our life: "Who do you say that I am?"
May my answer always remain: "You are Christ, the Lord, the son of God, who loved me and gave His life for me. I put my HOPE in you, Lord." He, unlike politicians and government, has never forsaken me and never will. He is my strong, and high tower and the lover of my soul!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Reflections of Creativity
I know many women who tell me they are not creative. I've even said it myself in my younger years before I knew better. That's because we too often equate creativity with being "artsy". You know, painting, drawing, sculpting, pottery making, writing, playing an instrument, acting. But creativity is so much more than that, and I believe that every woman is creative, but may not realize it because her definition for creativity is way too narrow.
At one time, I too denied my own creativity until I began to realize that because I am made in the image of God and He is the creator of the world, then I must have some creativity in me somewhere.
That's when I began to look more closely at my life to uncover my own unique creativity.
I found creativity in my quirky way of putting outfits together and accessorizing (or decorating, as my husband calls it) with jewelry and scarves on a very limited budget. I didn't care what was "in", I just wore what I loved and that made me feel good. This did not occur until my 40's (what can I say, I'm a late bloomer). I love to shop clearance sales and resale shops. I have found some of the greatest accessories: vintage jewelry, colorful, textured scarves, amazing handbags, cute jackets and coats; all for prices no one can believe. I think finding these things is creative too. There is an art to it and I feel beautiful and special to the Lord as He leads me to these great finds.
I also love decorating my home (shabby chic style). Since going to Paris when I was a senior in high school, I have always had a love of anything French. My house reflects that in the prints I have found and framed for my living room walls, the prints and textures in furnishings I choose, even the paint and lacy curtains on my windows. I have several prints that I love of a Renoir, a Van Gogh, and a Monet. I love playing french music when I'm home alone relaxing. I love to watch movies that highlight Paris or the French countryside and remember my own visit there.
I also feel I am creative in the way I encourage others. I love to "study" people and look for their special gifts and then encourage them to use those gifts or thank them for how their gifts have blessed my life. I love to encourage other women to not let fear limit them. If they share something they really want to do, I really ask God to use me to encourage them to step out and do it. I love to bring women together and encourage them to learn from one another. I have learned a lot from other women. Another way I have discovered I am creative is in building relationships with women and assuring them that they have found in me a safe place to share their woundedness. I love how God has brought that out in me through my own woundedness.
I have a friend who is creative in how she has handled some really hard times that have come in her life. She is creative in her trust of God to provide a better attitude toward her struggles She has a marvelous sense of humor and has developed the amazing ability to laugh her way through her hard times and get me laughing with her. She has helped me through some trying times. I have another friend who couldn't draw or paint, but put so much love into creating amazing scrapbooks and cards; she has blessed her entire family with that creativity. I have another friend that has turned making kalochkys (a Polish "cookie") into its own delicious art form. Everyone loves them and often asks if she will bring them to a gathering. One of my friends who loves to support women's creativity, started a yearly Christmas Open House at her home that showcased many different women's creative renderings such as scarves, ornaments, jewelry, baskets, baked goods, doll clothes and other unique handmade gifts (a highlight of my Christmas shopping experience). Another dear friend who loves to cook and especially bake has such a gift of hospitality, I feel like I "went home" every time I go to her house, because I feel so pampered with her love and yummy food. I have one friend who is so creative with how she encourages me by sharing God lessons from her life. All these are reflections of the creative God in their lives.
Do you see what I'm getting at? We are the body of Christ, ladies. God already bestowed on us as women one of the most creative things in the world: giving birth! We don't just birth children. We as women give birth to so many ideas and innovations that bless our world. No one is unnecessary because all of us are creative in carrying Christ and his message into our world. In our own unique ways, we reflect the creativity of our God to others and invite them to share the special creativity He has given them. Don't continue to think about being creative in an "old wineskins" kind of way. We have our Father God's DNA running through us and it manifests uniquely in each person, that we might love and serve one another. If you don't know your particular creative footprint yet, ask God to reveal it to you and then flow in that. I've found that it brings peace and joy to your soul and then opens the floodgates of inspiration and more creativity.
Another word for creativity is courage~George Prince
Stop trying to pattern yourself after the pastor's wife, the news anchor, your girlfriend, and your next door neighbor, and develop the unique, exquisite woman within. ~ Jacqueline Jakes
At one time, I too denied my own creativity until I began to realize that because I am made in the image of God and He is the creator of the world, then I must have some creativity in me somewhere.
That's when I began to look more closely at my life to uncover my own unique creativity.
I found creativity in my quirky way of putting outfits together and accessorizing (or decorating, as my husband calls it) with jewelry and scarves on a very limited budget. I didn't care what was "in", I just wore what I loved and that made me feel good. This did not occur until my 40's (what can I say, I'm a late bloomer). I love to shop clearance sales and resale shops. I have found some of the greatest accessories: vintage jewelry, colorful, textured scarves, amazing handbags, cute jackets and coats; all for prices no one can believe. I think finding these things is creative too. There is an art to it and I feel beautiful and special to the Lord as He leads me to these great finds.
I also love decorating my home (shabby chic style). Since going to Paris when I was a senior in high school, I have always had a love of anything French. My house reflects that in the prints I have found and framed for my living room walls, the prints and textures in furnishings I choose, even the paint and lacy curtains on my windows. I have several prints that I love of a Renoir, a Van Gogh, and a Monet. I love playing french music when I'm home alone relaxing. I love to watch movies that highlight Paris or the French countryside and remember my own visit there.
I also feel I am creative in the way I encourage others. I love to "study" people and look for their special gifts and then encourage them to use those gifts or thank them for how their gifts have blessed my life. I love to encourage other women to not let fear limit them. If they share something they really want to do, I really ask God to use me to encourage them to step out and do it. I love to bring women together and encourage them to learn from one another. I have learned a lot from other women. Another way I have discovered I am creative is in building relationships with women and assuring them that they have found in me a safe place to share their woundedness. I love how God has brought that out in me through my own woundedness.
I have a friend who is creative in how she has handled some really hard times that have come in her life. She is creative in her trust of God to provide a better attitude toward her struggles She has a marvelous sense of humor and has developed the amazing ability to laugh her way through her hard times and get me laughing with her. She has helped me through some trying times. I have another friend who couldn't draw or paint, but put so much love into creating amazing scrapbooks and cards; she has blessed her entire family with that creativity. I have another friend that has turned making kalochkys (a Polish "cookie") into its own delicious art form. Everyone loves them and often asks if she will bring them to a gathering. One of my friends who loves to support women's creativity, started a yearly Christmas Open House at her home that showcased many different women's creative renderings such as scarves, ornaments, jewelry, baskets, baked goods, doll clothes and other unique handmade gifts (a highlight of my Christmas shopping experience). Another dear friend who loves to cook and especially bake has such a gift of hospitality, I feel like I "went home" every time I go to her house, because I feel so pampered with her love and yummy food. I have one friend who is so creative with how she encourages me by sharing God lessons from her life. All these are reflections of the creative God in their lives.
Do you see what I'm getting at? We are the body of Christ, ladies. God already bestowed on us as women one of the most creative things in the world: giving birth! We don't just birth children. We as women give birth to so many ideas and innovations that bless our world. No one is unnecessary because all of us are creative in carrying Christ and his message into our world. In our own unique ways, we reflect the creativity of our God to others and invite them to share the special creativity He has given them. Don't continue to think about being creative in an "old wineskins" kind of way. We have our Father God's DNA running through us and it manifests uniquely in each person, that we might love and serve one another. If you don't know your particular creative footprint yet, ask God to reveal it to you and then flow in that. I've found that it brings peace and joy to your soul and then opens the floodgates of inspiration and more creativity.
Another word for creativity is courage~George Prince
Stop trying to pattern yourself after the pastor's wife, the news anchor, your girlfriend, and your next door neighbor, and develop the unique, exquisite woman within. ~ Jacqueline Jakes
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sisters of the Heart
Tuesday night at our small group we were discussing the friendships of women and what they add to our life as Christian Women. Friendships are not to compete with our relationship to our husband or children, but they actually add grace to those relationships as women find encouragement and accountability in their friendship with another woman. Women need to be able to share their hearts with another woman who will understand her feelings and yet remind her not to be ruled by them. Women friends can "handle" each others emotions. That doesn't mean a woman shouldn't share her feelings with her husband, but she should not be in despair if he doesn't seem to be able to understand her feelings as she would like him to, or be interested in listening to the details. Men like to get to the point and then want to find a solution (the conquering hero). All men aren't that comfortable with our emotions and a wise and strong man will encourage his wife to have and pursue friendships with women, just as they pursue friendships with men.
Women are generally more comfortable around the arena of emotions and can provide support for a woman who may be grieving a loss, or dealing with a rebellious child, or feeling insecure because of gaining weight, or struggling under the demands of work and child rearing. Another woman can listen and relate and offer empathy, exhortation, wisdom, and prayer and not feel they have to "fix" the problem, as men often feel burdened to do when women share emotion. Women are bound together in a wonderfully powerful connection as sisters of the heart. Rich is the woman who has developed some supportive, long-term friendships. God's direction to "not forsake the assembling of yourselves together" holds a special meaning for women. We are made with an inner desire to understand and be understood by other women, we like coming together for affirmig one another and talking about child rearing, work, and many other subjects including our relationship with God. In the book of Timothy the older women are told to "teach the younger women" things that will help them to be faithful women of God in their homes, work and communities. We need to make time in our busy lives today as women. In the old days, women would gather and quilt, can food grown in their gardens, and exchange recipes and remedies as well as encourage one another through tough times, They would share their life stories with each other and often find healing for their wounds in the community of women around them. Today women may still do some of these things, but with technology and such a fast pace of life, many women actually can become isolated by life demands.
I have benefited from some very strong and loyal friendships with other women. I have recieved acceptance and healing and love from my sisterhood of friends. I have laughed and cried with my sisters and I have been motivated and inspired by them. I count it one of the joys of life to have connections with women of different ages, races and marital status and hear their stories of faith, fortitude, joy, sorrow, restoration, and courage.

Sisters of the Heart by Teresa Jobst
They come along throughout our life
These sisters of the heart
That make you feel right at home
From the moment you first meet.
You can trust them with your soul
You know you can be who you are.
They see your weaknesses but love you just the same.
They see your strengths and remind you of them often.
They stand with you to see the miracle of answered prayer.
They help ease the burdens of this busy life,
Speaking encouragement and exhortation.
Giving from a heart of love and generosity,
A double portion blessing.
Whether one or many days apart,
There is no lack of intimate reconnection.
Yes they come along throughout life's seasons.
Bringing their faith, courage, love and acceptance
These sisters of the heart.
Do you have a story about a "sister of the heart" in your life? Feel free to share a little about her in the comments section below.
Women are generally more comfortable around the arena of emotions and can provide support for a woman who may be grieving a loss, or dealing with a rebellious child, or feeling insecure because of gaining weight, or struggling under the demands of work and child rearing. Another woman can listen and relate and offer empathy, exhortation, wisdom, and prayer and not feel they have to "fix" the problem, as men often feel burdened to do when women share emotion. Women are bound together in a wonderfully powerful connection as sisters of the heart. Rich is the woman who has developed some supportive, long-term friendships. God's direction to "not forsake the assembling of yourselves together" holds a special meaning for women. We are made with an inner desire to understand and be understood by other women, we like coming together for affirmig one another and talking about child rearing, work, and many other subjects including our relationship with God. In the book of Timothy the older women are told to "teach the younger women" things that will help them to be faithful women of God in their homes, work and communities. We need to make time in our busy lives today as women. In the old days, women would gather and quilt, can food grown in their gardens, and exchange recipes and remedies as well as encourage one another through tough times, They would share their life stories with each other and often find healing for their wounds in the community of women around them. Today women may still do some of these things, but with technology and such a fast pace of life, many women actually can become isolated by life demands.
I have benefited from some very strong and loyal friendships with other women. I have recieved acceptance and healing and love from my sisterhood of friends. I have laughed and cried with my sisters and I have been motivated and inspired by them. I count it one of the joys of life to have connections with women of different ages, races and marital status and hear their stories of faith, fortitude, joy, sorrow, restoration, and courage.
Sisters of the Heart by Teresa Jobst
They come along throughout our life
These sisters of the heart
That make you feel right at home
From the moment you first meet.
You can trust them with your soul
You know you can be who you are.
They see your weaknesses but love you just the same.
They see your strengths and remind you of them often.
They stand with you to see the miracle of answered prayer.
They help ease the burdens of this busy life,
Speaking encouragement and exhortation.
Giving from a heart of love and generosity,
A double portion blessing.
Whether one or many days apart,
There is no lack of intimate reconnection.
Yes they come along throughout life's seasons.
Bringing their faith, courage, love and acceptance
These sisters of the heart.
Do you have a story about a "sister of the heart" in your life? Feel free to share a little about her in the comments section below.
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